2024 Honor Band Clinic Guest Ensembles: Ocean Springs High School and Alabama Winds
January 25, 2024
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
About this event
The MSU 2024 Honor Band Clinic will open with a performance by the Ocean Springs High School Wind Symphony. The Ocean Springs High School band program is recognized as one of the finest high school band programs in Mississippi. The Wind Symphony is the premier performing organization of the Ocean Springs band program and has a rich history of being identified as one of the truly outstanding high school concert bands in the region. The Alabama Winds is an all-adult community wind band based in Alabaster, Alabama, and is comprised primarily of practicing music educators residing throughout the state. The mission of the Alabama Winds is to foster and promote the appreciation of high-quality wind band music through performances of artistic merit for audience members, residents of the state of Alabama and the members of the ensemble.