Grant Writers’ Seminars & Workshops: Write Winning Grant Proposals—NIH/NSF Focus  

September 19, 2023
8:30 am to 4:30 pm

About this event

The Mississippi State Office of Research and Economic Development is pleased to once again host the Grant Writers' Seminars & Workshops for a full-day workshop on proposal development best practices.

The workshop will be held in 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Sept. 19 in the Colvard Student Union Ballroom. Lunch will be provided.

The workshop is limited to 120 people. Visit to register.

Grant Writers' Seminars & Workshops was founded by academic researchers, to provide other academic investigators with formal training in how to write competitive grant proposals. Emphasis is placed on doing the "extra" things that can make the difference between being funded versus not. Regardless of the target agency, participants are taught to write with a linear progression of logic using a specific approach, which leads reviewers through an application
without them knowing that they are being led. Emphasis is placed on the fact that applicants are writing for two different audiences: the assigned reviewers, who read the application in its entirety, and non-assigned reviewers who may read little, or none, of the proposal before the meeting of the review panel.

This seminar will focus on proposals for the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation; however, the skills taught are transferable to many federal funders.   
All participants receive an extensive handout, as well as a hard copy of a relevant edition of “The Grant Application Writer's Workbook.” The workbook is designed to facilitate application of what is learned in the seminar to the writing of each attendee's individual grant proposal and provide a step-by-step way to write the full proposal. The cost of the $75 workbook will be covered by the participants' home departments.   
During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to learn about Phase 2 of the workshop, an intensive, personalized experience to prepare a proposal for submission with support of Lauren Broyles. Information on the application process for Phase 2 will be provided at the workshop.   

If you have any questions, email

About the trainer: Broyles received her doctoral degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing. She then completed a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in Health Services Research with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs at the VA's Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion. Her research interests have been in addiction health services, particularly prevention and management of alcohol and opioid use disorders in general inpatient and primary care settings. For five years, Broyles taught an intensive two-semester proposal-writing course at Pitt for physicians and Ph.Ds from across the health sciences preparing their first R- or K-series applications. She has been the recipient of competitive extramural funding from NIH, Veterans Administration and nonfederal foundation sources.

Broyles has been a member of federal grant review panels and served as an associate editor for the journal Substance Abuse. In addition, she has regularly been recognized for excellence in research, teaching and mentoring.   


Colvard Student Union Ballroom
Primary Sponsoring Organization
MSU Office of Research and Economic Development
Contact Name
LeLe Kirkpatrick
Contact Email