Mississippi State teams with Twitter™ followers to power #WeRingTrue

STARKVILLE, Miss.—Mississippi State University is teaming with its followers on Twitter™ to launch #WeRingTrue, an innovative social-media initiative that reinforces MSU's standing as a world-class academic research university.

“Our supporters tell us that they want to know more about cutting-edge research and life-changing initiatives underway at Mississippi State,” said Sid Salter, MSU’s ‎chief communications officer. “Based on their feedback, we’re establishing a social media tool that not only keeps our followers informed but helps them share our success stories with the world.”

The MSU Athletics Department successfully unveiled Virtual Cowbell through the same EdgeTheory technology in 2014 to promote the university’s athletic accomplishments and engagement. Now, the university will add the academic component to that social media strategy.

With the introduction of its #WeRingTrue component, Mississippi State becomes the first university in the nation to tell both its athletics and academic stories using this innovative technology to Twitter™ users. Messages also can be easily adapted for other social media platforms.

Each week, Mississippi State approves a series of #WeRingTrue tweets covering three categories: pride points, campus life, and news and events. Tweets are automatically published on subscribers’ Twitter™ handles based on categories they select in the sign-up process.

The #WeRingTrue option is free, and subscribers maintain complete privacy and control of their personal Twitter™ accounts.

Salter noted that #WeRingTrue is part of a soon-to-be-launched branding initiative that highlights the many ways the university is driven to make a difference. Strengths include diversity, cross-campus collaboration, and a supportive and nurturing environment where students are encouraged to pursue big ideas and bold actions.

“Our latest feature taps into the voices of students, faculty, alumni, and the entire Mississippi State community,” Salter said. “They are our ambassadors to the world, and now they have a convenient tool to promote the many great things happening here every day, especially in the realm of academics and research.”

Student-led teams at Mississippi State are involved in a number of research and development projects with state, national and global impacts. They are working to get unmanned aerial systems flying safely in the nation’s airspace, designing the car of the future, and generating solutions to world hunger, to name just a few.

Learn more about Mississippi State and sign up for the #WeRingTrue program at www.weringtrue.com.

MSU is Mississippi’s flagship research university, available online at www.msstate.edu.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015 - 4:51 pm